Customer testimonies: Vanilla Bean Development

Meet three of BUMMA Namblong’s Vanilla team members and hear what they have to say about their journey developing their Vanilla business with the support of Mitra BUMMA.

Yohana Tarkuo

BUMMA Namblong CEO

Despite being the youngest member of BUMMA Namblong, Yohana leads as the CEO.

Q: How do you feel working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: Praise the Lord, everything is excellent. I've never been part of such a supportive community. I've met incredible people and gained invaluable experiences here.

Q: What new things have you learned through BUMMA Namblong?

A: I've had the opportunity to meet vanilla farmers directly. Before, I had no idea what raw vanilla looked like or how it was cultivated. But thanks to BUMMA Namblong, I've learned to plant and nurture vanilla. Now I understand why they call it "Green Gold." I'm also grateful for the opportunities to travel and represent the Namblong Tribe at various events outside of Jayapura, in such places like Jakarta, Bali, and Jojga.

Q: What obstacles have you faced working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: Our main challenge has been the lack of human resources. Although our structure is in place, some team members have become less active, and we've had to cover their work. We still have a long way to go, but despite the challenges, our progress makes it all worthwhile.

Q: What has impressed you the most while working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: My experience at BUMMA Namblong has been incredibly educational. I had no idea how to start a vanilla business, but I’ve been supported by professionals every step of the way.

Benjamin Bai

BUMMA Namblong Vanilla Supervisor

Hailing from Oyengsi, Benjamin has been involved since October 2022.

Q: How do you feel working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: I'm highly motivated to utilize the natural richness of Namblong to develop vanilla and empower local farmers. Learning about vanilla has been incredibly fascinating, and I'm grateful to be part of BUMMA Namblong.

Q: What new things have you learned through BUMMA Namblong?

A: I initially questioned the purpose of conducting vanilla assessments in villages, but I soon realized how crucial it is for us to establish fair prices. I've also learned how to build a vanilla Dry House from scratch, operate it, and buy vanilla based on grading (A, B, C). This grading system is very profitable for local farmers.

Q: What obstacles have you faced working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: As a field supervisor, it's challenging to visit villages without proper transportation. I also wish I had a companion during field trips for more effective data collection and discussions.

Q: What has impressed you the most while working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: Every step we've taken in BUMMA Namblong has been impressive, but the moment we made our first payment for 2 kilograms of raw vanilla touched me deeply. Despite our struggles, the team's dedication to our goals inspires me. I hope we can continue this excellent work, driven by the well-being of future generations and the sustainability of our land.

Ribka Waibro

BUMMA Namblong Vanilla Manager

Ribka Waibro joined BUMMA on April, 2023. She hails from Nimbokrang Sari and is known as "Mama Ribka.”

Q: How do you feel working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: It's been an incredible journey with BUMMA Namblong. I've learned so much and gained valuable experiences, especially in vanilla development.

Q: What new things have you learned through BUMMA Namblong?

A: Despite being a farmer most of my life, I had never planted vanilla before. BUMMA Namblong changed my perspective on this "green bean." As a manager, I believe I must understand Vanilla farming myself to better support local farmers. Thanks to BUMMA Namblong, I now know how to plant and nurture vanilla, although I still have much to learn.

Q: What obstacles have you faced working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: Adjusting to a new work environment was initially challenging, but it has become easier over time. It pains me to hear complaints from local farmers about the previous company that disappointed them by reducing raw vanilla prices. However, BUMMA Namblong is a new company, and we are steadily progressing. We value feedback from local farmers as we strive to improve.

Q: What has impressed you the most while working in BUMMA Namblong?

A: I'm most impressed by the Dry Vanilla House, as it's the first built and operated by Namblong People. Through this experience, I've also learned to operate the Dry House based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). I'm thrilled to see how willingly friends like Mitra BUMMA and Teman Belajar Jogja support us in building the Dry House. Let's continue working together to run BUMMA Namblong independently and successfully.


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