To support Mitra BUMMA's work, please make a donation to the Noken Fund.

The Noken Fund is a Field of Interest Fund housed at RSF Social Finance, a financial services organization whose mission is to revolutionize how people relate to and work with money.

RSF is a U.S. based 501c3 and all donations are tax deductible. Upon acceptance of a gift, RSF will provide a confirmation letter acknowledging the gift. Donors will be responsible for establishing the value of any non-cash contributions for tax deduction purposes. RSF’s EIN is 13-6082763.

The Fund’s purpose is to raise and direct funding from the Global North to indigenous-led climate solutions in the Global South. The Fund's immediate priority is to fundraise for Mitra BUMMA's operational needs. It has multiple donors whose gifts are pooled in the fund. RSF Social Finance staff and appointed advisory committee members select specific recipients in accordance with the outlined eligibility and criteria of the fund.

We offer two ways to give:

    1. You may give online by credit card at:

    2. Please select “Noken Fund” from the drop-down menu.

    3. Leave the “Description of goods or services received” section blank

    1. Please be sure to include the “Noken Fund” on the memo line of the check.

    2. Please mail your check to:

    RSF Social Finance

    P.O. Box 2007

    San Francisco, CA 94126

For Wire, ACH, and recurring credit card transactions, please contact us at